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Y-Not skin care products have become so trusted by international consumers as being the skin care range of choice, that many individuals are convinced that Y-Not is a local brand delivering skin care for local conditions! This is something that Y-Not regards as a great compliment. Y-Not means one thing – Gentle, Safe and Natural Skin Care.
With our dermatological expertise we have the ability to offer high quality skin care products at an affordable price to take care of you and your family. Our aim is to improve the health and well being of people all around the world through sin care products that are so natural you would think that they were made by Mother Nature herself.
Y-Not was founded in 2003 to meet the needs of consumers who wanted skin care products which they could truly trust so that they know exactly what they are putting on their skin. Many companies claim to tell you what they put into their products with consumers only to find that there are hidden ingredients which pollute and denigrate the skin. Y-Not prides itself on becoming a market leader in skin care because of their honest and reliable approach to giving you exactly what you want – Natural Beauty.
Y-Not continually strives to exercise integrity beyond reproach and to provide quality skin care products through multi-disciplinary research which will meet all of the skin care requirements of you and your family. Our quality Australian laboratory embraces the Quality Assurance principles as detailed in ISO9001:2000 so that you can be guaranteed of safe and effective skin care.
To find out more visit: www.ynotnatural.com
toronja orgànica, en red de 16 toronjas,
calidad suprema: certificaciòn mexicana.
We assist them in planing and provide our expertise and help with invitations.
We have white, rose, red, sparkling and Oporto wines.
usda nop
usda nop
We carry out the whole process of production, shelling, packing and trading of all almond varieties (comuna, largheta, marcona…) both in the skin and peeled. We have the necessary facilities and machinery for this purpose on a plant of more than 26,000 square metres.
Our technical staff is in charge of the evaluation, control and pursuit of our partners\' plantations. PASAT is currently made up of 480 partners, owners of 1,800 hectares of almond trees.
Our industry is approved for ecologic production and trading of almond products and has more than 350 hectares of organically-grown almond trees.